Shipping Times Update January 15, 2021

Hello Valued Customers,

We are currently working hard to ship out all pre-orders taken over the holidays but some products are taking a bit longer than usual.  We are located in California and have lost several key staff members to Covid-19 Quarantines over the past 30 days.  We are also under a regional stay-at-home order and so some of our employees are building products from home to reduce the risk of exposure to those that need to be in our studio.  

Thankfully all of our employees are safe, but several have family members that are currently sick and so they are quarantining per protocol.  We take Covid-19 precautions seriously and have not had any employee test positive yet and we do frequent testing and follow a series of safety protocols in our studio. 

Here are some updates on products that were listed as January Preorders during November & December: 


We have been building all shapes of picks again and are almost completely caught up with the exception of custom picks in shapes other than standard.  We expect to get these built and shipped out in the next week.


We lost our entire apparel team to Covid-19 quarantines and so we are just getting back to work with apparel.  We have about 90 shirts and hoodies to print.  We plan to print these shirts or Tuesday & Wednesday of next week with the goal of having all clothing orders shipped out by the end of the week.


Dark Chocolate Straps have been on preorder since early December with an expected ship date of Mid-January.   We are still waiting on the leather from our supplier.  We do have all of the inlays built so once we receive the leather we should be able to get all orders out within a few days.  Because of Covid there have been some delays and from what we are being told, we should receive the leather in about 1-2 more weeks, so my best estimate right now is that these straps will ship at the end of January vs. mid-January.  We do have plenty of Black and Brown Straps available so if you want to switch to one of these other colors please let us know and we will get the strap shipped our right away.

Finally, we are not a large company and so losing several key people as a result of Covid does have a big impact.  This is also impacting our response times for customer service as we are getting more inquiries of people asking for order updates.  Please know that we are working very hard to catch up.  If you feel you must cancel your orders, that is always an option.  There is a link in your order confirmation email if you wish to cancel.

But if you can wait a little longer, we would be very grateful.  One of the reasons that Thalia products are so coveted is that they are all built by hand right here in the USA by talented craftsmen and craftswomen.  

Thank you for your understanding, 

Chris, Thalia & Team